Brochures/Data Sheets/Ads/Case Studies
Tahoe Maps
I wrote the sales brochure for this company that produces archival-quality maps that meld seafloor mapping with landform topography and detail overlays.
Resumix (acquired by Yahoo HotJobs)
I either wrote or edited all of the customer case studies for this automated, enterprise HR software company, the front page of one example here. I also wrote the Resumix University materials brochure, and many miscellaneous direct mail/marketing-collateral pieces, including the Resumix 6 brochure. Print samples available.
I wrote the first WebEx Server data sheet copy and did extensive rewrites on a WebEx Services whitepaper. I’ve also written many direct e-mail/mail pieces, package copy, a Focus on Collaboration Servers article and the first data sheet for the WebEx Meeting Center product. Print samples available.
FVC (acquired by Radvision)
I wrote the brochure for Click to Meet, FVC’s enterprise-level two-way video product. You can download the PDF here.
I wrote a marketing brochure for this IT consulting company.
I did a lot of writing and editing for the Delphi 6 (a Windows development environment product) data sheet and worked on the package copy.
Zone Labs
I did a lot of writing and editing on the first ZoneAlarm Pro Administrator’s Guide, as well as worked on press releases and other marketing collateral for this Internet security products company.
Electronic Scrip Incorporated
Many of these website materials are derived from print materials I wrote; print samples of brochure and collateral materials available.
AOA Geophysics
I wrote the 8-page company brochure for this geophysical services (regional reconnaissance, prospect modeling, production site analysis) company, the first page of which is here. Print samples available.
California State University, Monterey Bay
I’ve written a number of press releases for the News and Public Information Department of this university.
I wrote a number of ads and data sheets for Ricoh hardware products; here is the front page of one, and the back. I also wrote the script for a Ricoh multimedia product CD. Print/CD samples available.