Client List
Below is a list of clients and publications I’ve worked with as a freelance contractor or freelance writer. Many of them are regular clients; others are companies for which I worked on a one-time project basis. Many of them are in Silicon Valley, Santa Cruz County or the Bay Area. Project print samples available for many on the list.
- 420 WindyCity magazine
- Adeptia
- An Idea on Medium
- Airstream Life magazine
- AlphaSmart
- AOA Geophysics
- Authority Publishing
- BBC Associates
- Beglobe
- Bluntly
- Borland International/Inprise
- Bradford and Company
- California State University, Monterey Bay
- Carmel Magazine
- Chris Guillebeau (Side Hustle School)
- CIS Corp
- Clear Content Marketing
- Contently
- Content Standard
- CopperCom
- Critical Thinking Software
- Demandbase
- Design and Type
- Digital Think
- Discovery magazine
- Earth, Sea and Sky Vacations
- Ebyline
- Edify
- Essilor
- FatStax
- Fearbuster
- Fidelity
- Flaviar
- Forbes
- GSApps
- Hakai
- Harbor Media
- iHealth Services
- Imagesmith/OlgilvyOne
- Interleaf/Media Metrix
- JointSolutions Marketing
- Jossey Bass Publishers
- Kennan Ward Photography
- Ketel One Vodka
- KLH Consulting
- MacWEEK Magazine
- Madge Networks
- Marketing Drive
- MarketingProfs
- Marketo
- Maxis, Inc.
- Mirasee
- Netdrive
- Odontocomm
- Outside Interests magazine
- Optimizely
- Pat ‘O Graphics
- PGi
- Phloy
- Popular Mechanics magazine
- Publish Magazine
- Rainmaker Systems
- Reality Fusion
- Red i Studios
- Resumix
- Richard Bagel Design
- Ricoh
- Scuba Diving magazine
- Side Hustle School
- Silverpop
- Source Wellness
- Skyword
- Stryker
- Sun
- Sungard AS
- SuperDrive
- Tahoe Maps
- TechniQuip
- The American Scholar magazine
- The Bold Italic
- The Content Standard
- The Edition magazine
- The Glenlivet “Cask”
- The Los Angeles Times
- The San Jose Mercury News
- TicketingToday
- The Learning Company
- The Understanding Business
- Trackware Corporation
- UnTechnical Press
- Vertaal
- VentureBeat
- Vitria
- Vox
- Wavicle
- Wandering Educators
- Weber Shandwick
- WebEx
- Websense
- Westa/LMN Group
- Whiskey Wash
- Wired (and WiredUK) magazine
- Xactly
- Zone Labs