Editing with Sharp Knives: Dangerous, Dramatic, Definitive

Editing short stories and novels can be a challenge. Especially when your tools are a chef’s knife, a bowling ball and a cat.
(Psst! Editing with sharp knives is still much better than editing with dull knives.)

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4 thoughts on “Editing with Sharp Knives: Dangerous, Dramatic, Definitive

  1. Worth considering, though I’ve have to get several differently colored bowling balls. And perhaps a set of Ginzu knives. And if you remember who Cal Worthington was, I probably should get a mountain lion to substitute for the cat. Thanks Joel!

  2. Go see Cal, go see Cal, go see Cal

    Worst purchasing experience of my entire life was at Cal Worthington Dodge in San Diego. I’ve had a lot of lousy experiences, but these folks descended to new depths of selfishness, rudeness, and general unpleasantness.

    But that’s not what this is about, is it?

  3. Now that is a shame, Joel. You needed to come to Cal’s digs in Long Beach, where he personally sported his cowboy hat around in every once in a while. Of course, I have no clue if he was a straight shooter when it comes to selling cars. But he did have some colorful pets.

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